PArTuie Fans

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Trayvon Martin -- What Really Happened?

In the last few weeks, The Trayvon Martin incident has attracted a large amount of attention due to the premise that young Trayvon was killed in a race related matter invoking a large amount of stereotypical and legal banter. The problem is that the real story isn’t out there. A Race related killing isn’t at all what happened, though “Race” was at the heart of the fateful event months before it even transpired.

What really happened in The Trayvon Martin incident is that Trayvon was on his way to visit his father. Tracy Martin was expecting his son and asked him to stop at 7 Eleven and pick up some Arizona Iced Tea and Skittles. Tracy Martin specifically instructed Trayvon to wear the hooded Champion sweatshirt as it was raining outside.

Meanwhile, Trayvon’s father and George Zimmerman, the community watch Coordinator, were just finishing drinks at Tracy’s house. George was an insurance underwriter as well as night time caped crusader for the Twin Lakes community. George was usually alerted by a type of Bat Signal that actually flashed a giant “Skittles S” in the sky at night time. The Signal was not working properly that evening however, due to the rain and low visibility.

Tracy had actually called George first and then called Trayvon to come over to meet with George for a job proposition. What happened next was a conspiracy of epic proportions and a win win for everyone involved. George made a “911” call and Trayvon texted his girlfriend to call him for the last time. They then faked an altercation for witnesses and The Sanford police showed up on the scene to cordon off the area until Trayvon could successfully be declared dead!

Afterwards the police hauled the poor kid off to the morgue and then bused him down to the keys where a pilot named Amelia flew him to a private island known as Atlantis in the Bermuda triangle area to attend a big Tupac Shakur concert with Biggie Smalls and Elvis! Amelia is 114 years old now but she can still get around and she’s still one Hell of a pilot!

This was all done with corporate sponsorship for the purpose of stimulating the economy and the political environment through racial awareness. The Black Panther Party had been contacted by an activist named Al who had been bored for the last few years because nothing was happening and Al hadn’t been making any money due to the poor economy and his “rent was just too damn high!”

Al had pulled in corporate sponsorship through Champion Sports clothing, Skittles, Arizona Tea, and the 7-Eleven chain in order to create a racially charged national incident to increase sales for those companies and make Al relevant again. The Black Panthers contacted Tracy, a former member, who agreed to participate in exchange for a life time supply of Skittles and Iced Tea. Trayvon was a big Tupac fan and enticed by the prospect of living the rest of his days on an island full of dancing party freaks with other “dead” people while listening to loud Gen-X music and sun bathing to work on his tan.

Tracy hired George Zimmerman due to his knowledge of the life insurance world and because he was Hispanic. They specifically hired an Hispanic in order to mitigate the riots that would have ensued if the “shooter” were completely white…. AND because the Hispanic community was feeling left out of the race wars!

The Black Panther Party then issued a $10,000 dollar Bounty for the “capture” of George Zimmerman which was actually paid to Police Chief Bill Lee to keep quiet about the cover up. Chief Lee then resigned because He felt very guilty but this action was denied. These events helped increase awareness for the “incident” in the news and made Al a happy man.

The Miami Heat were then asked to promote awareness for the Hoodie campaign to increase the sale of Sweat shirts as well as Iced tea and Skittles for the various and many protests dubbed “million hoodie marches” for historical nostalgia!

Spike Lee was then hired by Al to drum up more media exposure and purposely Tweeted the wrong address for George Zimmerman simply because doing the wrong thing wrong gets more attention than doing the wrong thing right.

Geraldo decided to get involved on his own and still hasn’t figured out that a “Hoodie” isn’t actually a sign of being a “Gangsta”. It’s simply something that protects you from the rain. He was immediately crucified by the media machine only because His comments DISOURAGED the sale of Hoodies and this worked in direct opposition of the end goal to stimulate the economy.

It’s simply a matter of corporate sponsorship through tragedy and controversy in order to increase product and topical awareness. This gives the activists and news media something seemingly productive to do. In The end, No Skittles were actually recovered from the crime scene as all of the red skittles had been ground up to simulate blood and a bag of Skittles with no red skittles would be very suspicious.

What it boils down to is that ultimately they’re ALL “racist” in the biggest race of all. The race for more money, more relevance, and more power! It’s a CONSPIRACY of EPIC PROPORTIONS and AL Sharpton is behind it ALL!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

What Really Happened at Disney!

Welcome to my first official Blog. This is a dated story that I've been wanting to write about since it happened.

In this Disney Tower of Terror fight video released on youtube in February, an arrest is made at Disney land. A man was arrested for allegedly being drunk and punching people.

The funny thing is, this guy wasn’t drunk at all and wasn’t trying to fight anybody. The video picks up with him being held by two park goers with very little knowledge of what happened before this.

This man isn’t a criminal. He’s simply a combat veteran with PTSD trying to enjoy a day at the park.

What really happened is that he contracted a major case of Vertigo on the ride and tripped over himself and accidentally knocked Goofy over. Goofy was able to get up on his own and leave the scene, but two Park goers tried to assist the man and help him up. He immediately began having flashbacks and thought He was under attack. So they put him in a “strike the pose” hold against the gate because they thought He might be a Madonna fan.

At this point, we pick up with the video and Mr. Conductor approaches. He’s the guy in the silly hat. We don’t know if He’s a train conductor or an orchestra conductor, but He’s definitely a conductor. A conductor being anything that keeps the motion or energy flowing or fueled. And He definitely does this with a barrage of unnecessary pepper sprays which then incite Mr. "Vertigo" to retaliate and throw punches.

Now Mr. "Vertigo" is on the ground being mocked by Bunch of Gen-X hellions who actually ARE drunk and gets back up slowly to wipe his eyes. Now on top of having flashbacks, Vertigo and being pepper sprayed, this poor man has to endure the brain-dead babblings of a Banshee drinking a Beer?

She’s the leader of the group of Gen-X Hecklers and she is exercising her authority to order the guy to get on the ground. She’s actually drunk and excited and practicing for a roleplaying game later that night with her boyfriend.

She also feels the need to remind the guy that “There are kids here”. You think He doesn’t know this? He brought 6 of his nieces and nephews to the park and now they’ve all been wandering around the park for several days hungry, confused and disillusioned because Disney is no longer the happiest place on earth for them now that there uncle has been arrested.

No Worries though. They’ll be enslaved in the Disney underground and be forced to portray Dwarfs and other miniature characters in exchange for cotton candy and mouse ears.

The entire incident was devised as a distraction to enslave children. It’s a conspiracy of Epic Proportions and The Park is behind it all!

Thanks! Now go out and share this blog with all your Gen-X Buddies!

PArTuie 